Denia "Spain Gothic Metal" 2009 Album "No Life After Love"

Denia gothic metal cover
In 2009 Denian Band "Spain Metal" Releases Album "No Life After Love" Detail Tracklisting :
01. Maybe
02. No Life After Love
03. Like a Scared Child
04. To Die Rather Than Resign Myself
05. Deep Scars
06. Frozen Cult
07. Scream To The Moon
08. Little Goth Girl
09. Home Dark Home
10. Denied
11. Living No Air
12. Remains Of You
13. Embrace Of Doubt
14. Ghost City Inside My Heart
15. Bleeding Always
16. Who Is It (Michael Jackson cover)
17. The Wait
18. The Believer (album version)
19. The Believe
for a demo album, Please download here