Anabantha, is a Gothic metal band originally from Mexico City, Mexico. Its roots date back to 1997 with a project called condolences. This alignment is formed by Duan Marie on vocals, Vlad Landeros on keyboards, the band lasted one year with this name, but were born too important songs: Vampire, condolences, Holy Agony, History of Horror, Necrophilia y. .. many more. By 1998 the band changed its name to TRANSDELLIC (derived from the union of Trans = beyond, and Dell = visible) which means linking them beyond the visible. It should be noted at the time the valuable participation and unique friendship "Jimmy Galloza" (Drums). During this period the band recorded their first demo called "CRY OF FREEDOM." By 2000, the band decided to debut Anabantha name on the album "Tribute to Lucifer," playing the song "Be Be". A year later, with the name and dark Anabantha latent in his soul, composed and recorded songs such as leaves, Stigmata, Woe to the Night, Blood, among others. In the alignment of this stage is where Vlad Landeros takes possession of the battery. In this alignment, born in 2001 his first official album, called "Litany CHAPTER I" production created in one night In 2002, some musicians choose to exit from the band. This metamorphosis Anabantha. (Duan and Vlad) resulted in the album titled "without saying goodbye" with songs like Talisman, Ice Angel, Sinister Heart Havens and evening. In 2003 he began to write and record the demo of "Litany CHAPTER II" with songs like, crucify, Possession, Poison Breath. In 2004 they recorded their demo album "Acoustic" with songs like, Deja Vu, Vanish, The Twilight, The Flower, Spring, plus a few tributes to the poet Pablo Neruda: "Poem No. 20, and Sexual Water". And the damned poet H.P. Lovecraft, "Being Under the Moonlight". Already in 2005 it is when you start recording their album "without saying goodbye," which has the distinction of being published first as a promotional album 9 tracks and then as a double album (Spanish and English). This production contains topics such as; Deja vu, Angel Ice, Talisman, Madrugada, Disappear, Havens, among others also include a cover of the band Shocking Blue seventies called "Never Marry a Railroad Man" (Never marry a railroad). In the same year they released their second studio production "chapter prohibits Litany," which includes topics such as; The altar of bleak passions, Woe to the Night, Blood, you kill me, Black Veil, among others. 2006 was a year of change and consolidation for Anabantha. This year an excellent job with one of the largest and most respected labels in Mexico "DENVER RECORDS." From this negotiation was a new landmark disc recording Anabantha, we refer to "Litany CHAPTER I", where, in addition to improving the original recording and include such classics as; Vampire Anabantha, Santa Agony and Let Go include two previously unreleased tracks, and Penance Horror Story. Production also is re-released "Litany chapter prohibits" with 2 bonustracks live, recorded in the Zocalo in 2005. In 2007 they recorded their live album "Friday 13 ... and the socket was filled with Shadows, "it held in the Zocalo, and which also burn a DVD. After the band made a tour celebrating its tenth anniversary, which involved travel to cities in Latin America in Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. In early 2009 comes out of Brothers "Initiation", a finalized version of the demo "Blood Brothers" we all knew since 2005, including the familiar themes in its finished version, plus two new songs "Giving Face the Abyss "and" The Hell of your eyes. " In mid-2009 recorded the song "My favorite dish," which is included on the compilation album "Immortal Dynasty Wailing Darkness." At the end of 2009 comes to light his most expected, "The Wishing Well", which is a completely new disc in which we can see a musical evolution in the band, moving away a little of the sound of their previous albums but still thus creating an excellent album which is dominated by a dark atmosphere combined with a sound with Arabic influences, which can be felt more on the song "A Thousand and One Nights". In the same year he recorded the first official video of the band for the first single from his new album, in which we can see the band playing in a cemetery. Currently the band is composed of Duan Marie on vocals, Vlad Landeros on drums and vocals, Tristan Daerbonach Ulysses on bass and Mac on guitar, forming the perfect alignment of the band.
Tracklist :
01. El Santo Grial 03:56
02. La Sombra 03:21
03. Melancolico 04:06
04. El Presagio 03:56
05. Ixquic Imago 03:50
06. El Espejo 02:55
07. Fragmento de Soledad 04:33
08. La Amada Espera de un Suicidio 04:33
09. Agonia 04:29
10. El Frio Encuentro 03:57
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