Sirenia profile band and download mp3

Sirenia is a Gothic Symphonic Metal band from Stavanger, Norway, which was formed by Morten Veland in 2001 with initial name "Masters of Sirenia".

Sirenia combines a mixture of Gothic Metal and Symphonic Metal, as well as elements of Extreme Metal and Death Metal. Sirenia uses melodic instrumentals, synthesizers and guitar distortion with female vocals, death metal vocals male, male vocals, clean, chorus, and violin.

Sirenia themed lyrics about life, death, emotion, love, hatred, paranoia, and anxiety. All songs created by Morten Veland Sirenia. Morten Veland musical works already pretty well known through his work with his former band, Tristania, a band which he founded in the mid-nineties.

Sirenia has produced 4 studio albums, 1 EP (Sirenian Shores - 2004), 2 singles (My Mind's Eye, The Path To Decay), and 3 music video (My Mind's Eye, The Other Side, The Path To Decay)


Pillar "Ailyn" Giménez García - Vocals (2008-Present)
Morten Veland (Ex. Tristania) - Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keyboard, Programming (2001-Present)
Michael S. Krumins (Ex. Trail of Tears) - Guitar, Harsh Vocals (2008-Present)
Jonathan A. Perez (Ex. Trail of Tears) - Drums (2003-Present)

Former Personnel:

Fabienne Gondamin - Vocals (2002)
January Kenneth Barkved - Vocals (2002)
Henriette Bordvik - Vocals (2002-2005)
Emmanuelle Zoldan - vocals (2004)
Monika Pedersen - Vocals (2006-2007)
Kristian Gundersen - Guitar (2002)
Bjørnar Landa - Guitar (2004-2006)
Kristian Olav Torp - Bass (2008)
Hans Henrik Varland - Keyboard (2001-2003)
Pete Johansen (Tristania) - Violin (2002)
Anne Verdot - Violin (2004)
Stephanie Valentin - Violin (2009)
Roland Navratil - Drums (2004-2005, 2009)


At Sixes and Sevens (2002) download
An Elixir for Existence (2004) download
Nine destinies and a Downfall (2007) download
The 13th Floor (2009) download
TBA (December 2010)