Mau jualan Pulsa, Kuota, Token DLL terlengkap dengan Jaminan Harga Termurah dan Pasti Untung kunjungi Agen Pulsa Termurah bisa buat usaha atau untuk kebutuhan pribadi.

Indoesian Extreme Music Labels | Extreme Metal Troops

Daftar Isi
Di cari 1000 batalion extrime band all Genre:
* Brutal
* Brutal Death Metal
* Ultra brutal death/Grind metal
* Death core
* Brutal chaos
* Death grind
* Grunge core
* Grind core
* Hard core
* Gothic ( free )
* Trash metal
* Metal core
* Black metal ( free )
* Slamming brutal death
* Progressive metal
* Death metal
* Melodik metal
The all sampay paling extreme......!!!
Bisa kirim demo track musik kalian ke :
dan bisa buka links di bawah ini.
Work shop ENS Management.

Wanted 1000 all battalions extrime band Genre:
* Brutal
* Brutal Death Metal
* Ultra brutal death/Grind metal
* Death core
* Brutal chaos
* Death grind
* Grunge core
* Grind core
* Hard core
* Gothic ( free )
* Trash metal
* Metal core
* Black metal ( free )
* Slamming brutal death
* Progressive metal
* Death metal
* Melodik metal
Can send demo tracks to your music can send demo tracks to your music.
And can open the links below.
and can send via post to the address below.
ENS Management workshop
c/o Agus prastiyo ''rapoest''
contact :
0858 8100 7476
 email :
Jln. Raya Citarik - Tegal danas
Kp. Rawa bangkong Rt.01/04 No.40
Ds.Jatireja - Cikarang timur
Bekasi 17828 Jawa barat -Indonesia

We're looking for cool and talented extreme bands to join on our for digital compilation pormat straming media on our website including arranging the various genres of bands extrime..........!!!
''from there on, the journey begin #2 issue (Back To D.I.Y. Spirit), please send promo to our addres or

And can open the links below.
send to via post under taks.
Work shop ENS Management

c/o Agus prastyiyo ''rapoest''
contact :
0858 8100 7476
 email :
Jln. Raya Citarik - Tegal danas
Kp. Rawa bangkong Rt.01/04 No.40
Ds.Jatireja - Cikarang timur
Bekasi 17828 Jawa barat -Indonesia

Syarat Pengiriman Demo ke ND Recs :

- Demo dalam format audio CD, Wav, Wma (tidak menerima kaset).
- Demo yang masuk menjadi hak milik label dan tidak dapat dikembalikan.
- Kelengkapan demo :
1. Minimal 3 (tiga) buah lagu .
2. Menyertai teks lagu.
3. Biodata lengkap, berikut alamat & nomor telepon yang bisa dihubungi.
4. Foto personil.
- Demo rekaman dikirimkan ke alamat kami
atau via email:
- Apabila pihak kami tertarik dengan demo yang kami terima, maka yang bersangkutan akan kami hubungi.
- ND Records menjamin bahwa demo lagu yang masuk tidak akan disalahgunakan atau digunakan tanpa izin dan kontrak resmi kepada pemilik lagu yang bersangkutan.

Untuk demo yang dikirim via email, beri
keterangan di subject: "kirim demo:nama band "

sekian dan terima kasih.
ND Records
- ENS Management
- DOD Recs.

ND Records resmi..........!!!
bergabung dengan ENS Management/ENS Music Media sebagai sub label/divisi
lokal untuk band dengan genre extreme metal.

Project rilisan
awal adalah album kompilasi ...From there on, the journey begin #2
Silahkan kirim promo pack ke

Demo yang masuk otomatis akan di upload di website ND Records
Lirik, profile, file lagu Mp3, poto band, contact lengkap
Terms of Delivery Demo to ND Recs:

- Demo CD audio format, WAV, WMA (no tapes).
- Demo of entry become the property of the label and non-refundable.
- Completed the demo:
1. Minimum 3 (three) pieces of songs.
2. Text accompanying the song.
3. Complete biographical data, the following address & phone numbers can be contacted.
4. Photos personnel.
- Demo recordings are sent to our address
or via email:
- If the parties we are interested in a demo that we received, it is concerned will be contacted.
- ND Records ensure that the demo songs that entry will not be misused or used without permission and a formal contract to the owner of the song in question.

For a demo that was sent via email, give
information on the subject: "send demo: the name of the band"
and many thanks.

verification process is completed, ND Records officially joined the ENS
Management / ENS Music Media as a sub label / local division for bands
with extreme metal genre.

Official ND Records ..........!!!
join ENS Management / ENS Music Media as a sub label / division
Local bands with extreme metal genre.

Project releases ...
the beginning is a compilation album ... From there on, the journey begin # 2
Incoming Demo automatically uploaded on the website ND Records
Incoming Demo automatically uploaded on the website ND Records
Lyrics, profile, Mp3 song files, photograph bands, full contact

ND Records:
Executive Produser: Natural Disharmony Records
Agus Prasetyo ''rapoest''
contact :
0858 8100 7476
email :

  Contact Us :

 Phone :
+6285 88100 7476
Ym / Email:

    ND Records / ENS Management
    Jln.Raya Citarik-Tegal danas No.40 Jatireja - Cikarang timur
    Bekasi, Indonesia, 17828