Imperia Profile band and download mp3

Imperia is the Symphonic Gothic Metal band from Holland that was formed in 2004. Imperia led by Helena Iren Michaelsen (vocals).

Imperia is a cross-border unit of musicians originating from different countries: Norway, Finland, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Imperia themed lyrics about fantasy, mythology and dreams.

In 2004, Imperia played in several festivals and a tour supporting Nightwish in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Helena Iren Michaelsen (ex. Epica, Trail Of Tears) - vocals (2004-Present)
John "Let" Stam - Guitar (2004-Present)
Jan "Örkki" Yrlund - Guitar (2004-Present)
Gerry Verstrecken - Bass (2004-Present)
Audun Gronnestad - Orchestrations, Keys, Studio synths, guitar (2004-Present)
Stefan "Steve" Wolz - Drums (2004-Present)

Discography :
The Ancient Dance of Qetesh (2004) download
Queen of Light (2007) download