Atargatis Profile band and download mp3

Atargatis is a Symphonic Gothic Metal band from Regensburg, Germany, which was formed in 1997.

Atargatis scored a big success with the song "Angels Crying", which topped charts in Dark Metal Germany for ten months with more than 12,000 downloads.

Atargatis lyrics theme of nature, mystical and spiritual.


Stephanie Meier Luzie - Vocals (1997-Present)
Artur Vladinovskij - Guitar (2009-Present)
Lord Lornhold - Bass, Vocals (1997-Present)
Tialupa - Violin (2006-Present)
Jürgen "Shadrak" Bürsgens - Drums, Percussion (1997-Present)

Former Personnel:

Ernst "Azmo" Wurdak - Bass, Guitar (2005-2007, 2009)
Maximilian "Maxi" Schulz - Guitar (2008-2009)
Susanne Zisky - Violin (2006)
Florian "Sagoth" Ramsauer - Guitar
Margit E "Satyria" - Keyboard
Martin Buchmann - Guitar
Michael E - Bass, Vocals (1997)

Accurst from the Deep [EP] (2002)
Alba Gebraich [EP] (1999)
Divine Awakening [EP] (2004)
Wasteland (2006)
Nova (2007)
TBA (2010)

Download Mp3 Atargatis album Wasteland (2006)
Angels Crying download
Circle of Life download
Cradle of Fern download
Desert download
Eden download
My Solace download
Selina download
Through the Mists of Oblivion download
Wasteland download

Download mp3 Atargatis album Nova (2007)
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